...we had this crazy idea. We wanted to start a brewery. A brewery that creates the beers we would like to drink, a brewery not satisfied with the status quo, a brewery built on passion and the unquenchable thirst for unique beers.
The idea for CAUTION: Brewing Company started during a tour at New Belgium Brewery in Ft. Collins, CO on January 2nd, 2009. Funny thing was, it wasn't during the tour when we had the idea. Betty and I both had the same thought when we're in the bathroom *after* the tour was over. Somehow, the same lightning bolt had struck both our beer soaked brains and CAUTION: Brewing Company was born right then and there. Well....kind of.
Let's step back through our brief history and bring everything up to date, shall we?
Soon after the weekend was over, we started research on the Interwebs on how to brew beer. As it turns out, there is an entire industry devoted to homebrewing. Some homebrewers are rather successful at it, too. Competitions, clubs, and stores are everywhere you look, and we found out that we have the resources nearby to help us start making beer. I trekked to the closest homebrew store, Beer At Home, and asked the fated question that got this entire adventure underway: "So, I'd like to brew up some beer. Where do I start?".
Before you know it, I've loaded my car up with things that would be right at home in a high school chemistry lab. Carboys, thermometers, hydrometers, hoses, clamps, yeast, barley, buckets, airlocks, books, brushes, caps, sugar, malt extract...whew! Diving head first into something new has never been so much fun! Armed with supplies and instructions, we set out to make our first batch of beer on the evening of January 17th.
We named our first batch First Attempt (for obvious reasons) in my kitchen. While the end result wasn't too bad, we also missed our mark with what we're trying to make. The kit stated that this was to be an American Amber. Well, it turned out hoppier than it was supposed to be and was more an IPA by taste. To be honest, we were still pretty proud of our first try at this brewing thing. The beer style wasn't what we were shooting for, but it sure tasted pretty darn good.
After figuring out our mistakes during the brewing process, we decided that we could actually get good at this beer brewing thing once we do some fine tuning. So we started brainstorming ideas for a brewery. Being complete nerds ourselves, we thought it would be a pretty good idea to put a bit of ourselves into our venture. After all, if we're passionate about the things we do, it should go pretty well with the brewery, right?
One of our first brainstorming sessions resulted in the creation of (i.e.) brewing company. (i.e) stands for "id est", or latin for "this is". In our minds, however, 'i' would stand for ingenuity, and 'e' for engineering. Not being the most politically correct people on the planet, we figured our beers would stand for German Ingenuity and Asian Engineering. We would be paying homage to our ethnic backgrounds....in a strange kind of way.
The end result of one successful batch of beer (it was at least tasty), a few brainstorming sessions, and a couple of hours on the computer later, we came up the business card and logo seen above. The domain name was registered on January 23rd, email addresses were setup, and (i.e.) brewing company was born.
continued in part 2...
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